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„ ... Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value...“ (Albert Einstein)
For this, that we can now enjoy the leaking roof tent in a horrible rain in the Sahara (we are presently in Gafsa and it's raining like hell) and have all our equipment and be full of expectations for our trip as well as offering you a nice read we would like to thank everyone who supported us, helped our planning and lent a hand working on our car.
For reliable, goodlooking and durable steel accessories in and outside the car (we had some of it tested in Sfax already when someone broke into the car) we give a great thanks to Andrea's brother Roman, the "metal master", who invested a lot of his free time and inspiration into preparing those things for us (to see photos and more of his work, click HERE).
For the handmade drawers to go into our self-built drawer system, as well as other things around the car we would like to thank Andrea's father, Ludek, a lot.
For a lot of hints and how to get us started in webdesign and making websites we thank Vaclav Kesner from Touzim a lot. And him and his wife Margaret we also thaank for prepaaring us for Africa and giving us a lot of hints, them both have lived there for a long time.
For sharing his experience and giving us hints from his overlnd trip in 2007, we thank Andrew, a South African who did this trip with his girlfriend Jaye, now his wife. We met up in a quiet, little country pub in England for a beer.
For more hints from Rene's acquaintance Thomas we also thank, he has been travelling for 20 years now, his first trip to Africa being in 1989 in a VW Beetle.
Further in the list of travellers, who shared their hints and experiences is Jaromir Giecek, who more favours Papuans, but also took on the magic of Africa in his trips.
We thank all our families and friends for supporting us and giving us the mental strength to go through with our project - as well as enduring our stressful preparations! To the numerous offroad and 4x4 forums and the one workshop where our car was, we thank as well.
Finally, we thank everyone who, even with the slightest of hints, helped us to succeed our journey!